Friday, August 29, 2014

Ebola Epidemic - New exploit topics among Scammers

Scammers are using West African Ebola Virus outbreak as a lure of Phishing campaign. As with most phishing emails, the message body warns the user of a trending problem and unsuspecting users could open the email, click on the links or even share them with others. The scary aspect inthese emails seem like they come from a legitimate source like your friends, colleagues, thus increasing the chances of a victim opening them.

Once you open that email it will ask you to click on a link to read more about the report. Following the link, infects your computer with the Trojan.Zbot malware. This malware runs on different versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system and is often used to steal information submitted through online forms such as usernames, passwords, banking details, etc.

To avoid being victimised by such scams, we should be educated about Phishing scams.
  • Be cautious of emails received from unknown senders Open email attachment with extreme care.
  • Always check the attachment’s extension. Never open attachment with “pif”, “exe”, “bat”, “.vbs” extension.
  • Do not visit suspicious websites or follow the links provided in those websites. 
  • Do not share personal or financial information over internet/email.