Saturday, July 28, 2012

The fading line between Personal and Official life

‘Keep your personal and official life different’ is the guideline we have been hearing from our previous generations. But is this practiced anymore? Today, it is truly difficult find someone of such sorts.

Hereon, I will list few trends that have made such a practice rare and more difficult to follow

Trend 1: ‘Dear. My boss /client has called. Give me a minute’ Official phone calls spilling into non-official time. However simple it may sound, but its impact cannot be ignored. For most of us, it all began with having official con-calls after office hours.

Trend 2: ‘Hey dear! Yippee. I got a laptop from my office’….. ‘But I did’nt know it was going to take a piece of my personal time’ Offices started providing laptops to required employees. The intention was to provide mobility within office and when on an official trip. Unfortunately, the work mobility with the laptops got extended when at home. This coupled with ‘Work from home’ which is mostly by employee’s choice is one more reason.

Trend 3: ‘Blackberries, Smartphones, Tablets and BYOD’
The device explosion is one of the last in this sequence. I am pretty sure that most of us reading this blog would be using a Smartphone or iPhone and Tablet trend is just following. For the sake of simplicity, let me call them Smart devices. Every day, we check our official data like emails, presentations, business documents on our Smart devices. These same devices are also used for our personal work and have our important contacts, credit card numbers, passwords, personal sms’es on it.

The above may not be all, but are few of the major trends that have caused the line between personal and official life to fade.

Source: One of my blogger friend

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