Monday, August 13, 2012

Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Computer from Hackers

In this daily Hi-Tech life the use of computers has become an important part and risk of information theft increasing in the same ratio. Therefore, it’s only natural for IT specialists to create a general awareness in all the users so that they can also learn the ways of protecting their information as well as PC.

At any rate, below are the top ten steps you can take to help safeguard your computer from digital destruction:

1. Anti-Virus/Anit-Spy Software: Running your machine without anti-virus/anit-spyware software especially if it's regularly connected to the Internet is downright suicidal in these modern, computer-virus-ridden times. Get one as soon as you can, and always confirm if its virus definitions are regularly updated. Some of the free antivirus like Avast / Avira / AVG / can be use, but recommendation is only for licensed version.

2. Hacker-Controlled Websites: Common sense dictates that you should avoid going to bad neighborhoods, especially if you carry a lot of valuables. The same could be said in the wild, wild world of the worldwide web. Avoid getting snared by dubious sites dedicated to porn, free downloads, online games, and so on; this way, there are less chances for you to be hacked.

3. Firewall: If you don't have a third-party firewall like Cyberoam/Cisco/Sonicwall/Fortigate installed in your network, then it's highly recommended for you to activate your Windows firewall (available on all Windows versions from XP/7/8). Firewalls help filter your traffic, and there are some products that even filter both incoming and outgoing data streams.

4. Spam Email: Unsolicited messages should never be opened, and that goes double for unsolicited messages with file attachments. Fortunately, web-based email sites like Gmail (if you are not using any company email account) have an extra layer of protection integrated in them. When in doubt, just delete the message.

5. Data Backup: If you have critical data, work-related documents, or personal files, then you must back them up as often as possible, because you never know what will happen to your computer. From viruses to system crashes, these sensitive bits of information can be wiped clean from your hard drive in the blink of an eye, so it's best to always have a backup at hand.

6. Windows Updates: Let's face it; the many different iterations of the world's best-selling OS have all been targeted by hackers so often that it's become a given to provide continuous daily, weekly, or monthly updates to your Windows-based computer. It's important for you to keep your OS up to speed in order to minimize the possibility of having worms or viruses compromise your system.

7. Software Updates: As with the above example, it's important for you to get the latest fixes or versions of your favorite applications in order to never let hackers find the opportunity to invade your virtual turf. Make sure that your web browsers and other web-based programs are given good upgrades or patches.

8. Password Policies: The passwords you pick could mean the difference between a breached computer and a safe computer. At any rate, the most common recommendations when it comes to picking a password includes not using the same password on every one of your accounts, using combinations of letters and numbers, and making sure that your password is as arcane as possible without necessarily making it too difficult for you to remember it. Never give your password to anyone.

9. Be careful what you attach to your computer: This is a more common way to transfer viruses than you might think. Everyone now has a USB flash stick that they carry around on their key chains, ready to snap into any computer. But who knows what your viruses are on your friends computers and what accidentally got transferred to their USB stick. A lot of virus programs will auto launch right when the USB stick is put into the computer, so you don’t even have to open or download any of the files to be infected.

10. Do not click on Ads: Avoid clicking on ads if you can. Especially those ads where something is flying around and if you shoot the duck, you win some prize! Ads have become more sophisticated in that they try to make the ad interactive so that you’ll be tempted to play it like a game.

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